Jazak’Allah for all your donation, support and duas.
Alhamdhulillah Mash’Allah over 1000 people attended the Jazanah of Sister Aisha (Julie Marie Murray).
Aisha (Julie Marie Murray) embraced Islam on 2nd June 2016. She managed to fast during Ramadhan and was just begining to learn the Quran, when suddenly last Friday 12/08/2016 she passed away peacefully (ILWIR).
She lived in the Maypole area of Birmingham and leaves behind husband Paul (Yusuf), son Leon (Adam) and two daughters.
The Jazanah took place on Monday (22/08/16) at Birmingham Central Mosque and burial at Kings Norton cemetery.
Paul (Yusuf), son Leon (Adam) and family would like to thank the Muslim Community for thier help, donations and support.
Again Birmingham Muslim Burial Council (BMBC) would like to thank you all for your support as always.